Sunday, April 25, 2010


The rank General is in every military branch exept The Navy and the Coast Guard (in the navy and the coast guard there is admrils instead of generals). There are many different types of generals. It goes Brigader General (general 1 star), Major General (general 2 star), Lutenint General (general 3 star), Genereal (general 4 star), and General of the army/Air fore (general 5 star). In the Marines it only goes up to General (wich would be generl 4 star).

If you are a general (any type) you could command alot of soldiers. Personaly i would not want to be a general because i'm not great at being in charge of an army or anything like that. If you are the highest rank general, you make the rules and you tell the commands. Nobody can stop you from making the rules.

When the general is'nt in battles, and when he's not giving orders he has his best Man/Men do it for him. If he is not in battles or not giving commands he's ussally doing paperwork or somthing like that.

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