Monday, May 31, 2010

Viet Kong

Viet Kong was a Vietnamese army. They fought during the Vietnam war. They spoke Vietnamese. They wore little triangle things on their heads. They were very powerful.

Their main weapons were Mat-29 SMGs (sub machine gun), Pomz-2s, Tokerev TT-33, and Punji stakes. Punji sticks were awsome. You dog a hole put the sticks in and put leaves over the hole. Then if you fall in the Punji Sticks go right through your body. There flag had a red stripe at the top, a blue stripe at the bottom and a white star in the middle.


The GSG9 is a German force. GSG9 Stands for German Special Guards 9. There main weapons are HK 636s, Remington 870s, StingBall Gernades, and HK P5 61 Sniper Rifles. They are powerful and can destroy stuff. They are not as tough as the SWAT team (Special Weapons and Tactics). If you have ever seen Deadliest Warrior you would know.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Air Force Special Operations Command

Air Force Special Operations Command ( AFSOC ) is a branch of special forces. It is a team of elite pilots. They fight in Air water and land. They are best in air. They are the best trained pilots. They pilot AC-130 gunships alot. They have plenty types of planes. They have F-22 Raptors, AC-130 gunships, Apache helicopters, black hawks, and more.

Thre are many ranks. But im just going to tell you the enlisted ranks. Airman Basic, Airman, Airman First class, Seargent, Staff Seargent, Technical Seargent, Master Seargent, Senior Master Seargent, Cheif master seargent, Command Cheif Master Seargent, and Cheif master seargent of the Air Force Special Operations.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Special Forces

Special Forces are one of the best branches of the military. There are many branches in special forces. The best branch is the Navy Seals. SEALs stands for Sea, Air, and Land. The branches of the special forces are Army Rangers, Navy SEALs, Delta Force, Special Operation Marines, and Special Operations Air Force. Special Operation Air Force is really good to. They mostly ride in AC-130 gunships.

Special Forces are the most elite of all the military branches. They go on secret missions that are very hard. They go very far behind enemy lines. Special Forces are vary elite.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Delta Force

Dealta Force is a branch of the special forces. It is secret and not much people know of it. Most of there missions are classified. Delta Force is the most elite special operations team out of all of them. They go very deep into enemy territory to prevent terrorisim.

Their missions include gathering valule information, rescueing hostages, and capturing or killing terreroist leaders. Not much is known about this secret force.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Nazis were german Terreroists. They were terrible people. The worst Nazi was the leader, Adolf Hitler. He killed anybody that did'nt join his army. He only recruted people with blond hair and blue eyes he killed the rest. He did'nt even have blond hair and blue eyes. Their are no more Nazis anymore. But they were terible people.

Their main weapons were MG-42s, MP40s, and MP44s. Nazis were terible people and i really dislike them.

Army Rangers

The Army Rangers are one of the best branches of the military. Every fight is their fight. They ride mostly in Hum-vees. Their main weapon is a Scar-H. They oten have gogles and masks. Their main helicopter is a black hawk. They have Night Vision gogles alot. Sometimes they use gas masks. Army Rangers are really tough.

Their main weapon is a Scar-H. Scar-H's are assult rifles that mostly only Army Rangers use.


Terreroists are evil people that threaten to destroy places. They kill innocent people for no reason. They just like killing people. Their main weapons are AK-47s and RPGs. RPG stands for Rocket Propelled Gernade. Their main veichle is a BTR. Sometimes they want to kill a certain person. They could take out a whole country just to kill the president.

Our military helps destroy the Terreroists and keep the peace. But the terreroists are hard to destroy. One Terreroist leader is Osama Binladin. Alot of terreroists are Suacide Bombers. They ride in planes and crash into buildings to kill people. Terreroists are very very bad people.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


SpetzNaz are russian Terreroists. They are very powerful and deadly. They show no mercy what-so-ever. There main weapons are AK7s, AK-47s, and RPGs (rocket propelled gernade). They are stealthy and strong. They are the best terreroist force ever.

SpezNaz sometimes were Bandit Masks and were Urban Camoflage. Urban Camoflage is a red kewl camoflage. Sometimes there were helmets sometimes they don't.

National Guard

The National Guard is a really good branch of the military. They Rescue citizens from natural disasters, fight in battle, and save towns and cities. There main weapons are M-16s and M4A1s. They ussally ride in helicopters such as Pave Lows and Black Hawks. The National guard does'nt have big weapons but they do have powerful weapons.

Navy Seals

The Navy Seals are the best of the best. They go in fireteams of 2,3, or 4 people. Most of the time they go in squads of 4. They can use any weapon. There main type of Rocket Launcher is an AT-4. They use Flashbangs and Hes. There main weapons are M249 SAWs and M-16s. They Scuba Dive alot. They go on Land Sea and they go in the Air. They can fight on any Terrain.

Marine Corps

The Marines are one of the best military branches. There main weapons are M-16s and M249 SAWs. Sometomes they have Knifes or Swords. The lowest Marine Corp rank is a Cadete. A cadete is when your still in training. The lowest you can be in war is a private. An old Marine Corp saing is "Every Marine is a rifleman".

Back in World War 1 and World War 2 all marines used Trapdoor Springfeild. The trapdoor spingfeild took a while to reload so the marines were often in danger. Marine Corp training takes longer than other traing because they have to make sure that they're really good.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Green Berets

Green Berets are part of the special Forces. The Green Berets are really good. They're one of the best Military Branches. The Green Berets are shadow warriors, they blend in with all of their surroundings. Green Berets are one of the deadliest Military Branches. They are also known as the Multiplying Force. They go in squads of 12 but there squads keep on Growing.

There main weapons are M4A1s,M-16s, and M249 SAWs. The green berets ussally ride in AC-130 gunships. Green Berets go behind enemy lines to locate enimies and targets. They know how to use any weapon on the planet. Green Berets are the best.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mini Guns

Mini Guns are not Mini. They are actually prettey big. Mini Guns shoot really fast. They are also very heavy. They are usally set up by a Duel pod or Tri-Pod. Some times they are set up on black hawks.

Do you watch star wars the clone wars? Well they have Mini Guns in Star wars tthe clone wars. A mini gun could probbly blow up a jeep. Mini Guns do not have Magzines/Clips.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

AirSoft Guns

AirSoft Guns look like real guns but they're not. You reload them and shoot them like real guns too. They shoot little pebbels that can hurt you but not kill you. They cost alot of money to. They can cost 20$, but thats probbly the cheapest price for an airsoft gun. They can be 40$ 60$ maybe even 100$.

i know one person that has an airsoft gun. Airsofty Guns are really kewl. You can attch scopes grips and more. You can bye airsoft guns at Dick's in stores that are in the Airdarondacks and more places. There are many different types of airsoft guns. There are M249 SAWs, M-16s, M4A1s, Desert Eagles, and more.

You could probbly knock somebody out with an airsoft gun if you smash it over their head, but you can't kill them. They have Clips/Magazines like real guns, and scopes like real guns. But they're not real guns. Don't be fooled by the pictures, They look like real guns but there only airsoft guns.